Moskowitz Prize



The Moskowitz Prize is awarded each year to the paper best representing outstanding research on sustainable and responsible investing and the financial implications of responsible business practices in capital markets.

The Moskowitz Prize recognizes outstanding quantitative research papers that are relevant to investment practitioners in sustainable and responsible finance. Although the prize is usually awarded to a finance paper, past winners have been from the fields of economics and management as well.


  • Both published papers and working papers are eligible. Working papers should be of a quality suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed academic journal. 
  • Papers will be considered for the Prize only once. 
  • Past winners are welcome to enter the competition with new work, and multiple submissions from an author/group of authors are accepted.

Each year’s prize-winning paper is selected by a panel of judges from academia and the investment industry. Honorable mentions or additional monetary prizes may be awarded at the judges' discretion.
Judging criteria include:

  • Significance to practitioners of sustainable and/or responsible investment
  • Innovativeness of research question and approach
  • Appropriateness and rigor of methods

The winning paper author(s) will receive a monetary award of $7,500, while the runner-up paper’s author(s) will receive a monetary award of $2,500.
The winning paper’s author(s) will be notified in the fall,  and will have opportunities to present their research at industry and academic focused events as opportunities arise.


  • An anonymized PDF copy of your paper (include only title; remove author names)
  • A non-anonymized PDF copy of your paper (include title and author names)
  • Submitting author contact information
  • Names and contact information for additional authors


  For additional information reference the Call for Papers or the Prize Website

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